The private network of the world's leading studios.
For leaders running the world's top independent studios in:
Motion & Animation
Live Action Production
Music & Sound


Private Network.

Member Community
Access to me and my hand-picked community of top studio leaders and vetted experts.
Weekly Roundtables
Members and I gather each week with a special guest. Together we process a hot topic or tackle a mini-course relevant to your business.
Replay Library
Missed a live event? Access all recorded sessions in our rapidly growing Replay Library.

Expert Resources.

Quarterly Accelerator
Each quarter, I lead FORUM members through one advanced business course lasting six to twelve weeks.

CURRENT ACCELERATOR: The Saleskeeping Sessions with agent/rep Carolyn Hill

See FORUM+ for year-round access to all accelerator content.
Resident Experts
Ask questions and get advice from the industry experts who are otherwise out of reach:

• [NEW] The Executive Producer with Rebecca Olson
• [NEW] Working Brand-Direct with Kevin Rapp
• New Biz with Michael Sterling
• Operations with Cherish Edwards
• Public Relations with Kristien Brada
Studios United
Imagine big brands bringing projects right to your doorstep: no pitching, bidding, or negotiating. Currently in startup phase, Studios United aims to replace the RFP with the RWA.


Biweekly Office Hours
Every other week, I conduct a "study hall" with FORUM+ members to personally working with you on your business. No appointment necessary, no topic off limits.
Quarterly Review & Planning
Every 90 days you, your leadership team, and I meet privately to review your previous quarter and plan the quarter ahead.
Priority Support & Feedback
Enjoy special access to me and my support team to help you make informed business decisions in real time.

The story.


The challenge.

These days it seems like everyone has launched a studio.

Launching is one thing. But running a studio – that is a strong, resilient business – is quite another.

The journey.

Unlike consultants who have never run a studio or production company, I ran Impossible Pictures for 20 years. So I've lived the life you're now living. Many times I have experienced that thrill of victory and agony of defeat.

The lonely road.

There's no better life than helming a creative company.

But as much as we love running our businesses, it can be a lonely road; years of toiling, making it up as you go, wondering how everyone else does it.

The support you need.

This is why I created FORUM as the private network I wish I had when I was running my studio: a safe space where accomplished creative leaders are encouraging – and pushing – each other in ways no one else can.

The accountability.

Ensuring FORUM fulfills its mission, these industry leaders serve as our advisory Council:

• Amanda Russell, Co-Founder/CD at Cream
• Andre Foster, Co-Founder/ECD at First Fight
• Carolyn Hill, Production Exec/Biz Dev Agent at Carolyn Reps
• Eric Singer, Partner/EP at Coupe Studios
• Martín Schurmann, Owner/ECD at Váscolo
• Ricardo Roberts, Co-Founder/EP at BIEN
• Robb Wagner, Founder/Experiential Artist at Stimulated-Inc.
• Ryan Summers, CD at Spillt
• Sarah Ward, Co-Founder/EP at The Frame Theory
It's like having a board of directors made up of the brightest minds in the industry. Truly a priceless resource.
Eric Singer
Partner at Coupe Studios
It's a support system, a gathering place, a playground for idea exchange. You'll be greeted with unfiltered, unbiased, and unwavering camaraderie.
Ricardo Roberts
Co-Founder and Executive Producer at BIEN
Not the biggest. The best.
During the pandemic, I formed a large community for a consultancy. Cool. But their focus on growing new members took energy away from what mattered most: existing members.

That's why I limit FORUM/FORUM+ to 100 members. So it can be great.

Staying small incentivizes me and my team to invest all our energy into our existing members. And this also incentivizes members not to sit on the sidelines, but be active contributors.

When you apply to join FORUM, membership is usually at capacity. If so, you will be added to our waitlist. Spots become available whenever a current member decides not to renew, at which point new members are hand-selected from the waitlist.

I invite you to apply and I appreciate your patience.
Last night when I posted there were immediate responses from everyone all over the world, including you. Before I asked anyone for help, everyone just gave it.
Amanda Russell
Co-Founder & CD at Cream Studio


Open to qualified candidates, apply to join.


Forum Lite

Member Community
Roundtables: 1 per quarter
Replay Library
FUSE invitations
Quarterly Accelerator
Resident Experts
Studios United
Biweekly Office Hours with Joel
Quarterly Review & Planning with Joel
Priority Support & Feedback


USD 495 quarterly
Member Community
Weekly Roundtables
Replay Library
FUSE invitations
Quarterly Accelerator
Resident Experts
Studios United
Biweekly Office Hours with Joel
Quarterly Review & Planning with Joel
Priority Support & Feedback


USD 995 quarterly
Member Community
Weekly Roundtables
Replay Library
Priority FUSE invitations
Year-Round Access to All Accelerators
Resident Experts
Studios United
Biweekly Office Hours with Joel
Quarterly Review & Planning with Joel
Priority Support & Feedback
Forum Lite free for a limited time. FORUM and FORUM+ currently at capacity, new applicants will be added to the waitlist. Details subject to change.

Need even more support? Inquire about FORUM Reserve to engage 1:1 with Joel Pilger.
  • What does FORUM cost?
    Forum Lite is free (for a limited time) whereas FORUM is USD 495 quarterly and FORUM+ is USD 995 quarterly.
  • Are discounts available?
    For international studios (based outside US/Canada/EU/APAC), discounts are available to help offset the strength of the US dollar. Also, annual membership discounts are available.
  • What is included in Forum Lite?
    Lite includes the Member Community plus one Roundtable per quarter.
  • What is FORUM+
    ​FORUM+​ is for the ambitious leader seeking my personal advice via Biweekly Office Hours, Quarterly Review & Planning, plus Priority Feedback and Support.
  • If I join FORUM but don't renew, may I rejoin later?
    Yes, but bear in mind FORUM/FORUM+ membership is capped at 100. Leaving will put you to the end of the waitlist. Since rejoining occurs when a current member leaves, your wait might be long.
  • Is there a studio rate which gives access to other members of my team?
    Only individual subscriptions are currently available. We may offer other rates in the future, so we appreciate your feedback.
  • What have others experienced in terms of ROI?
    "After learning the insights Joel shared in Derail the Pitch, I'm proud to say it had a huge impact. We have not lost one RFP since.” — Kelli Miller at ​And/Or​

    “Following Jumpstart, negotiating our very next project we were able to double our prices. Our return on investment (ROI) was immediate.” – Marc Colomines at ​Blit.Studio​

    "Our goal was to leave 6to7 with insights to help us solidify a formal internal process around new business development. For me, it was what we needed, at the right time.” – Erin Sarofsky at ​Sarofsky​

    “BIEN wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today if it weren't for this amazing, tight-knit community.” – Ricardo Roberts at ​BIEN​